First of all, I just want to thank my friends, family and especially my amazing husband for giving me such love and support over this last year. It has been a rough ride, but I have learned so many lessons along the way. I believe now more than ever that everything happens for a reason.
As most of you know, Leo and I have been trying to have a baby for over a year and a half now. After having 1 tubal pregnancy and 3 miscarriages, I was finally allowed to see a specialist. (Yes, allowed!! No doctor will refer you to a specialist until you've had at least 3 miscarriages consecutively in a row. RIDICULOUS and heartbreaking) Anyway, Leo and I went to the fertility specialist with high hopes. The Utah Fertility Clinic is amazing and the nurses and doctors are so compassionate. (Any of my Utah friends having issues, I highly recommend these doctors). The doctor took over an hour with us at our appointment going over my entire medical history. It was so nice to talk to someone who actually cared about getting us a baby. By the end of the appointment and after an ultrasound, the doctor ordered over 60 different blood tests. She also ordered some blood tests for Leo. We got our blood work done and waited an excruciating two weeks for the results to come back...
We finally had our results back and made an appointment to figure everything out. I had my fingers crossed for something simple and stupid like low progesterone, but of course, that wasn't the case. All of my blood work came back normal except for one test. I found out I have a genetic disorder called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase...or MTHFR for short. In English, it means that my body does not produce or absorb any Amino Acids, B Vitamins or Folic Acid. Having this disorder is still controversial as to whether it causes recurrent miscarriages or not, but a lot of doctors seem to think it definitely causes miscarriages. I now have to take medication for the rest of my life. I am just thankful that there is a medication for it! My whole life changed in one day. Every illness I have ever suffered with over my life has been caused by this disorder.
Like I said earlier, I now believe everything happens for a reason. If any of our pregnancies would have stuck, the chances of us having a baby with spinabifida, down syndrome or autism were multiplied. Now that I have started the medication, our chances go down to that of any other normal pregnancy. So, although I have had more heartbreak in the last two years than any other time of my life, I wouldn't want it any other way. I have now figured out what has been wrong, started medication and can start trying for our angel again. We never gave up hope, and I know that God was just waiting for the right time.
To all my girlfriends who are trying for babies and not getting them...I am here to talk!! I know the heartbreak of losing a baby and I know how hard it is dealing with depression and the want to give up. I used to think I'd get married and have 2-3 babies no problem! But sometimes, life doesn't work out the way we want it to. We will be lucky to have one baby. Learning to deal with our bodies not being able to do the one thing we were born to do is so hard, but there is always hope! Do not let the hard times come between you and your husband.
Communicate, communicate, communicate! I cannot stress this enough. Let your husband know how you are feeling! If you're depressed and feel like crap, TELL HIM! Then, explain why! I promise you, if you keep it to yourself and try to tough it out, it will make everything worse. No man will EVER understand how you feel That's just mother nature! But we can help them to not feel out of the loop with the experience. It is very hard for a man to go through a miscarriage or infertility because he cannot control it or have a fix for it. Don't forget that! If you need to stay in bed for a couple days and all means, do it! Just don't let it drag you down. Lean on people you love for support. If you don't want to talk about it to everyone (like me), write about it! Just getting those negative feelings out will make all the difference in the world and you can tell people when you are ready.
I'm sure every woman feels this way (well maybe not every), but I fall more in love with Leo every day. He has been my rock through this whole ordeal. He sits next to me and holds my hand, lets me cry when I need to and lets me stomp my feet and throw things when I get angry. I know it isn't easy for him, but he always puts me and my feelings first. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I thank God every day I did! We are crossing our fingers that the 5th time will be the charm :)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Physical and Emotional Healing!
This last year has been the best year of my life, but has also been the most trying both emotionally and physically. Being married to my best friend and love of my life is such a blessing. I am completely obsessed with him and he makes me want to be a better person on a daily basis. I have found the person that I can completely be myself with and he not only accepts me, but loves me (quirks and all!). He has supported me through every thing and I feel so lucky to have him.
We have been trying to have a baby now for a year. I have always had problems with my "woman parts" but would have never guessed how bad it actually was! I was diagnosed with endometriosis at a very young age and struggled with horrible cramps that would keep me out of school on a monthly basis. I started birth control around age 13 and have been on them until a year ago. I was also diagnosed with PCOS at age 18. At that point in my life, I was too young to care what that meant and wasn't planning on having kids any time soon. PCOS is a genetic disorder where my hormones are completely out of whack and it causes my ovaries to stop ovulating. Both of my ovaries are full of tiny little cysts that send messages to my pancreas and tell it to create more insulin than what my body actually needs. Therefore, I gained a significant amount of weight over the last few years with no way to get rid of it. No matter how much I exercised or ate right I was still GAINING weight! It was incredibly frustrating and I was to the point of giving up. Then I met Leo. He fell in love with the person inside me and it didn't matter to him if I was a few pounds overweight. When we decided to start trying to get pregnant, it was an exciting and also scary time of my life. I knew it would probably be difficult to get pregnant, but I had no idea how hard it would actually be. My periods were very regular (or so I thought) and I could always feel myself ovulate (again, or so I thought). I knew it would take a while for my body to regulate after being on birth control for so long, so we were being patient.
August 8th 2011, Leo and I were planning on going to a movie. We made it halfway there and all the sudden I had a horrible pain in my lower left side. It was excruciating and I was terrified. I was trying to tough it out because Leo was freaking out, but I made it to a Target and went inside to use the bathroom. I realized I was losing a lot of blood and we went straight to the ER. I was thinking it was my appendix...but had no idea. I will never forget this moment...I was laying on a table while a nurse was doing an internal ultra sound when she got a phone call. She just said "wow..really? Ok, I'll tell her" and hung up. She looked at me and said "your pregnancy test came back positive"...Leo and I looked at each other and we were so excited because we weren't even sure we could get pregnant. But, obviously something was wrong. After many many blood tests, pain killers and doctors in and out of my room, they could only guess one thing. A tubal pregnancy. I had no idea what that was. They could find no baby in my uterus and with the amount of blood I was losing, all they could do was guess. They said they could do an exploratory surgery and if it was in fact a tubal, they would take it out. I was so scared and asked if I could go home and think about it. They said yes, but if I had any pain at all, I had to come back immediately for surgery. We came home and spent the weekend trying to keep our hopes up. On Monday I had to go in and have my HCG levels checked. I made it through the blood test, but had this horrible feeling that something was wrong and since I was already at the hospital, I should just go in. The pain and bleeding had stopped over the weekend, but I knew in my heart something wasn't right. I checked myself back into the hospital and within the hour, I was being wheeled away for emergency surgery.
Surprisingly, I was not nervous at all. Leo on the other hand was terrified. I had come to terms with the fact that this baby wasn't going to happen and this surgery was necessary. I woke up in the recovery room and the doctor was right by my side, smiling. He said he was able to save my right tube, but I had a pregnancy in my tube the size of a golf ball. He said it was a miracle that my tube didn't burst. But, the reason I had lost so much blood was because my tube had actually detached itself from my uterus. I had been bleeding internally for a few days. It was crazy to think that I could have died from this! He was able to re-attach it and save my tube. I am so thankful that I had such a great surgeon!
By the time we got home from the hospital, my amazing mom had already landed at the SLC airport and was waiting to be picked up. I slept on the couch while Leo went and got her. She stayed with us for the next week helping out around the house. She was such a blessing to have around and I am so thankful for her every day! I believe that God spared me from knowing I was pregnant. I would have been completely crushed if I would have thought I was pregnant for 8 weeks and then found out the baby could never survive. Although this was a horrible experience to go through, I really think it was a blessing in disguise. I still think about this experience every day, but I believe I am a better person for it. I know it has brought Leo and I closer together and I am also thankful for that!
My doctor said it was ok to keep trying a month after my surgery. We found out we were pregnant again in October. I was both excited and terrified. Would this one be another tubal? Would the baby be ok? We bought the book "what to expect when you're expecting" the night we found out. I was so excited, I read the whole thing that night. The next morning around 8am I started having horrible cramping. Again, I was losing a lot of blood, but the pain was different. I ended up miscarrying later that morning. I would take the pain of a tubal pregnancy over a miscarriage any day! It was horrible and I hope I never have to go through that again. This pregnancy was emotionally draining. Not only was I pregnant again, but it had made it through the tube and was where it was supposed to be! At least its a step in the right direction, right?
After the miscarriage, I became depressed. I would wake up every morning, turn on the TV and torture myself by watching "A Baby Story" I would sit and cry for hours wondering why God wouldn't let me have a baby of my own. I was so heart broken and I started to wonder if Leo would stop loving me if I couldn't give him a baby. It was a hard couple months after October. I have slowly started to heal and Leo and I have become even closer than before.
This month I had a check up with my gynecologist and told her about my difficulties losing weight, my depression and my irregular periods. She wanted to do a progesterone and glucose test. Turns out, I am not ovulating (like I thought I was) and my glucose was very high. Because I have been off of birth control for a year, my PCOS has gotten out of control. I started on a high dose of Metformin...which is actually for diabetics, but has shown a high success rate at treating PCOS also. After being on the medication for 2 weeks, I am a new woman! I wake up every morning with energy. It's a fantastic feeling!! I go for a 3 mile walk every day now and no longer crave the sugary, carb loaded foods I did before. This medicine is supposed to work miracles for PCOS and I should be ovulating regularly within 3 months. It will also help me lose weight, help my hormones and mood swings (leo is so thankful) and help with my depression. It's amazing how something as small as an ovary can completely change your life. Apparently women with PCOS have a very high rate of miscarriages. It's such a relief to know what's been wrong with me and that it can be fixed. I am really praying that my dream of becoming a mom will come true very soon!
I realize that this blog is a novel, but I think it's been an important part of my life recently and writing about it helps me to leave the past behind me and move onto something bigger and better! Leo and I's 1 year wedding anniversary is coming up soon. It is insane how fast this year has gone by. Thank you to my friends and family who have helped us through this hard time in our lives. And, thank you to my wonderful husband, whom I love with all my heart! You will make an amazing father one day :)
We have been trying to have a baby now for a year. I have always had problems with my "woman parts" but would have never guessed how bad it actually was! I was diagnosed with endometriosis at a very young age and struggled with horrible cramps that would keep me out of school on a monthly basis. I started birth control around age 13 and have been on them until a year ago. I was also diagnosed with PCOS at age 18. At that point in my life, I was too young to care what that meant and wasn't planning on having kids any time soon. PCOS is a genetic disorder where my hormones are completely out of whack and it causes my ovaries to stop ovulating. Both of my ovaries are full of tiny little cysts that send messages to my pancreas and tell it to create more insulin than what my body actually needs. Therefore, I gained a significant amount of weight over the last few years with no way to get rid of it. No matter how much I exercised or ate right I was still GAINING weight! It was incredibly frustrating and I was to the point of giving up. Then I met Leo. He fell in love with the person inside me and it didn't matter to him if I was a few pounds overweight. When we decided to start trying to get pregnant, it was an exciting and also scary time of my life. I knew it would probably be difficult to get pregnant, but I had no idea how hard it would actually be. My periods were very regular (or so I thought) and I could always feel myself ovulate (again, or so I thought). I knew it would take a while for my body to regulate after being on birth control for so long, so we were being patient.
August 8th 2011, Leo and I were planning on going to a movie. We made it halfway there and all the sudden I had a horrible pain in my lower left side. It was excruciating and I was terrified. I was trying to tough it out because Leo was freaking out, but I made it to a Target and went inside to use the bathroom. I realized I was losing a lot of blood and we went straight to the ER. I was thinking it was my appendix...but had no idea. I will never forget this moment...I was laying on a table while a nurse was doing an internal ultra sound when she got a phone call. She just said "wow..really? Ok, I'll tell her" and hung up. She looked at me and said "your pregnancy test came back positive"...Leo and I looked at each other and we were so excited because we weren't even sure we could get pregnant. But, obviously something was wrong. After many many blood tests, pain killers and doctors in and out of my room, they could only guess one thing. A tubal pregnancy. I had no idea what that was. They could find no baby in my uterus and with the amount of blood I was losing, all they could do was guess. They said they could do an exploratory surgery and if it was in fact a tubal, they would take it out. I was so scared and asked if I could go home and think about it. They said yes, but if I had any pain at all, I had to come back immediately for surgery. We came home and spent the weekend trying to keep our hopes up. On Monday I had to go in and have my HCG levels checked. I made it through the blood test, but had this horrible feeling that something was wrong and since I was already at the hospital, I should just go in. The pain and bleeding had stopped over the weekend, but I knew in my heart something wasn't right. I checked myself back into the hospital and within the hour, I was being wheeled away for emergency surgery.
Surprisingly, I was not nervous at all. Leo on the other hand was terrified. I had come to terms with the fact that this baby wasn't going to happen and this surgery was necessary. I woke up in the recovery room and the doctor was right by my side, smiling. He said he was able to save my right tube, but I had a pregnancy in my tube the size of a golf ball. He said it was a miracle that my tube didn't burst. But, the reason I had lost so much blood was because my tube had actually detached itself from my uterus. I had been bleeding internally for a few days. It was crazy to think that I could have died from this! He was able to re-attach it and save my tube. I am so thankful that I had such a great surgeon!
By the time we got home from the hospital, my amazing mom had already landed at the SLC airport and was waiting to be picked up. I slept on the couch while Leo went and got her. She stayed with us for the next week helping out around the house. She was such a blessing to have around and I am so thankful for her every day! I believe that God spared me from knowing I was pregnant. I would have been completely crushed if I would have thought I was pregnant for 8 weeks and then found out the baby could never survive. Although this was a horrible experience to go through, I really think it was a blessing in disguise. I still think about this experience every day, but I believe I am a better person for it. I know it has brought Leo and I closer together and I am also thankful for that!
My doctor said it was ok to keep trying a month after my surgery. We found out we were pregnant again in October. I was both excited and terrified. Would this one be another tubal? Would the baby be ok? We bought the book "what to expect when you're expecting" the night we found out. I was so excited, I read the whole thing that night. The next morning around 8am I started having horrible cramping. Again, I was losing a lot of blood, but the pain was different. I ended up miscarrying later that morning. I would take the pain of a tubal pregnancy over a miscarriage any day! It was horrible and I hope I never have to go through that again. This pregnancy was emotionally draining. Not only was I pregnant again, but it had made it through the tube and was where it was supposed to be! At least its a step in the right direction, right?
After the miscarriage, I became depressed. I would wake up every morning, turn on the TV and torture myself by watching "A Baby Story" I would sit and cry for hours wondering why God wouldn't let me have a baby of my own. I was so heart broken and I started to wonder if Leo would stop loving me if I couldn't give him a baby. It was a hard couple months after October. I have slowly started to heal and Leo and I have become even closer than before.
This month I had a check up with my gynecologist and told her about my difficulties losing weight, my depression and my irregular periods. She wanted to do a progesterone and glucose test. Turns out, I am not ovulating (like I thought I was) and my glucose was very high. Because I have been off of birth control for a year, my PCOS has gotten out of control. I started on a high dose of Metformin...which is actually for diabetics, but has shown a high success rate at treating PCOS also. After being on the medication for 2 weeks, I am a new woman! I wake up every morning with energy. It's a fantastic feeling!! I go for a 3 mile walk every day now and no longer crave the sugary, carb loaded foods I did before. This medicine is supposed to work miracles for PCOS and I should be ovulating regularly within 3 months. It will also help me lose weight, help my hormones and mood swings (leo is so thankful) and help with my depression. It's amazing how something as small as an ovary can completely change your life. Apparently women with PCOS have a very high rate of miscarriages. It's such a relief to know what's been wrong with me and that it can be fixed. I am really praying that my dream of becoming a mom will come true very soon!
I realize that this blog is a novel, but I think it's been an important part of my life recently and writing about it helps me to leave the past behind me and move onto something bigger and better! Leo and I's 1 year wedding anniversary is coming up soon. It is insane how fast this year has gone by. Thank you to my friends and family who have helped us through this hard time in our lives. And, thank you to my wonderful husband, whom I love with all my heart! You will make an amazing father one day :)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Mini Road Trip!
It is February and still 45 degrees outside! We have had no snow this year which is really weird. It also makes me very nervous because now it'll probably snow until July! But, since Saturday was such a beautiful day, we decided to go for a drive. We made our way up Provo Canyon and ended up driving through the adorable little town of Midway. Neither of us had ever been there before and we both fell in love with the town. It reminds me a lot of Solvang (the little town in California where my grandparents live). I remembered that the new HGTV Dream Home was just built in Midway so we went on a grand adventure trying to find the stupid thing! We drove around for almost two hours and FINALLY found it! There were quite a few people getting out to look at the house, so we decided to check it out too. We both decided right away that it was not our style house (I actually hated it), but wanted to see the inside. Turns out, we needed to have a reservation to take a "tour" or pay 15$ a person to walk through it. Um yeah right. I'm not giving you money to walk through a house. So we took a picture and left. Needless to say, we had fun driving around exploring! On our way home, we saw this cute little place that sells homemade cheese and milk. We stopped to see what it was all about. We ended up buying 25$ worth of fresh cheese, raw milk and ice cream! It was delicious!! We both decided we LOVE raw milk, but having to sign a waiver saying we wouldn't sue anyone if we died was a little strange. He ended up loving the milk and now we have a cool looking glass container :)
(This is the ugly HGTV Dream Home)
After our grand adventure up in Midway, we stopped and had lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant Mama Chu's. If you've never been there, please do yourself a favor and go!! They have the best nacho's in the entire world! We went home, took a nap and then decided to go out...AGAIN! My sweet hubby took me to Texas Road House (because all I wanted was their rolls...again, do yourself a favor and try them). After an amazing dinner, we went to The Cheesecake Factory to get dessert. Saturday was the best day I've had in a long time. I have the most amazing, sweet husband in the whole world and I feel so lucky to have found him. He goes above and beyond to make me feel loved! It's such a blessing to be married to my best friend.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Working hard...or hardly working??
My hubby is the hardest worker I know. He goes above and beyond to provide for us. I recently quit my job to go back to school, but after being so frustrated with school over a simple problem and not willing to give them thousands of dollars, we decided to drop my classes and try again next semester. I have also decided to change my career path. I have always wanted to be a teacher, but as of recently I have been thinking more along the lines of nursing. I went down to Provo College where they have a great nursing program and after 24 months, I will be an RN! I know it will be challenging, but as long as I'm helping people and making them happy, thats what I'm meant to do. Plus, teachers will NEVER make enough money to support a family. It's sad, because I feel that teachers should be the highest paid profession! Teachers are what keep this Country running! Anyways, enough ranting! Since I have been unemployed, obviously our financial situation is a little desperate. So, Leo has gone out of his way to find side work to keep us afloat. For the last 3 weeks there has been a ginormous diesel truck blocking my driveway...and taking up my space in the garage!! I must say, I have learned more about engines than I ever thought I would know in the last month. I actually helped him pull the entire engine out AND put it back in!! It's hard work and now I understand why he comes home with constant aches and pains. Poor guy :( As we speak, he is outside finishing putting this stupid thing together! I am so thankful that he is willing to sacrifice his time and body for us. He is amazing!!!
When you know, you know!
It's funny how people always say, "the moment you completely give up on your love life and start living for yourself, you'll meet the person you're meant to be with"...I never believed this until it actually happened to me! I woke up one morning to find a strange boy sleeping on my couch. At first, I was a little weirded out but the second our eyes met, it was love at first sight (well for me anyways!). Although, it didn't take him long to be convinced I was the one :) We haven't spent more than a week apart since the day we met. He is my other half (better half actually) and I can't imagine where my life would be without him. He is the most kind, generous, caring, hard working and perfect man on the planet. Not to mention, pretty handsome!! I must have done something right in my life to end up with a man like him.
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